Sourcecode for TA Demo 99ß2 by Fnordia, SJ and Yeha

Here is the full source code for the latest version of the TA Demo Recorder. It requires Borland Delphi version 6 and Microsoft Visual C++ version 6 or 7 to compile. The file TADemoSrc.txt included in the package describes the layout of the source briefly.

Download (544kb) from:

TA Demo Recorder 0.99ß2 by Fnordia, SJ and Yeha

Here is the latest version of the new TA Demo Recorder. If you have questions, please consult the excellent documentation.

Download tademo99b2.exe (1.39Mb) from:

3DTA Source by SJ

The source code for the 3dta.exe used in 0.99b2 as a Visual C++ 6.0 project. Note that we will not answer questions about the code (if we don't find them interesting) and that it is poorly documented.

Download (251kb) from:

TA Demo Recorder 0.97� by Fnordia and SJ

Here is the previous version of the TA Demo Recorder. If you have questions, please consult the documentation.

Download tademo97.exe (548kb) from:

Note: The Visual Base Builder was been removed from the recorder installer.